Business Agility. Delivered.

The technology industry has created hundreds of billions of dollars in value with Agile Delivery. Companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon have changed the way the world does business.

By applying the same principles, practices and techniques you can unlock this game-changing potential in your organisation. We call this Business Agility.

Business Agility is based around the same core values and concepts as Agile Delivery, tailored to a business delivery environment. It’s a value-focused, outcome-oriented way of working that drives a constructive, collaborative environment, and creates a culture of trust.

Simply put, Business Agility unlocks your potential and delivers value to customers fast.

Based on the core principles of Direction, Focus, and Execution, Business Agility is a practical framework you can start using right now.

Clear Direction

Strategy is essential. By using a proven, logical framework we distill your strategy to clear goals and milestones. With clear direction at all times, you can be certain that you are heading in the right direction, and your people will have a sense of purpose and value.

Laser-like Focus

Strategy is not sufficient. We need to ensure that your goals, plans, and people are focused on the highest-value work to drive your vision to success. The Business Agility Framework uses a simple yet sophisticated Portfolio Management toolkit that ensures that all your resources are aligned to your strategy, and no effort is wasted on non-essential activity.

Relentless Execution

By working in time-boxed iterations, and always getting to ‘Done’, we deliver value fast. With rapid delivery we can make use of feedback and adjust course to ensure we are always creating the most valuable outcome at the earliest possible point.

Business Agility. Delivered.

With a practical and pragmatic approach, we apply the principles, practices and tools of Business Agility to your real-world challenges. Wherever you are in your business cycle, we use the framework to make sense of your strategy, create consistency across plans, execution, and delivery, and to build a Culture of Trust. Unlocking the potential of your people and your organisation, you deliver to your customers faster than ever before.

Delivered into your business, Business Agility unlocks value from day one. By using the techniques in their day-to-day work, your people will contextualise their learning, absorb the key concepts, and apply the tools in new areas. This embeds the values and principles and ensures you get ongoing return for your investment in your people.

Benefits of Business Agility

For leaders, the transparency of Business Agility makes leadership vastly simpler. When you can always see the plans, progress, and problems, you can be confident you are resolving the most important issues, and that, while you may sometimes get bad news, you will never be surprised. This gives you the bandwidth to focus on direction and governance rather than managing details and fire-fighting.

For your people, Business Agility creates frequent wins that drive a sense of satisfaction. By collaborating openly and delivering frequently, a Culture of Trust rapidly emerges, allowing everyone to excel in their area of expertise. Agile teams are happier, more engaged, and vastly more productive than teams that are centrally controlled.

For your customers, Business Agility delivers higher-quality products, faster, and with better alignment to their needs. When your customers are getting what they need, and know that you are listening and responding to them, your business can grow in the direction you choose.

Get Started!

Accellerate your Business Agility journey today! No matter where you are on your maturity pathway, now is a great time to get to the next level.


(Photo by Kid Circus on Unsplash)

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