Business Agility Bootcamp

Business Agility Bootcamp

Bootcamp is a fast and effective way to get your team up to speed with the core elements of Business Agility. Delivered as workshop learning coupled with on-the-job practical experience it is the fastest way to turbocharge your operation.

Your Context

You’ve heard about Agile delivery practices. Perhaps you’ve seen them in action. Maybe you’ve learned how they are being adopted by companies like ANZ, Telstra, and Suncorp. You want your business reaping the huge benefits of Business Agility too.

Your Goal

You want to get your people up to speed with using Agile tools and techniques to turbocharge their execution. You’d like to see effective adoption of Agile practices delivering real benefits right now.

How it works

Business Agility Bootcamp is a four-week program that launches your Agile journey. You select up to eight people from all levels of your business to attend. With endorsement from your senior leadership, and following a structured pathway, your people will rapidly unlock the potential of Business Agility.

Because they are applying the principles and practices in their real work, they contextualise their learnings and absorb the skills and knowledge fast.

Bootcamp Timeline

Step 1: Business Agility Basics Workshop

We kick off with a half-day Business Agility Basics workshop. This is instructor-led and gets everyone up to speed on the core principles and practices of Business Agility, and introduces the key elements and structure of Agile delivery. We introduce the key artefacts, including Project Charter, Delivery Plan, Iteration Plan, and Progress Update.

Day 1

At the end of the workshop all attendees understand the core principles and practices. They understand the structure and purpose of the key artefacts. We lay out the structure of the program, so everyone knows what’s coming next.

Step 2: Practical Application

Day 2-3

The coach spends 2-3 hours with each participant, understanding their current portfolio and coaching them on setting up the key elements of Agile Delivery in their context. Each participant takes part in building an Agile Wall, creating a Project Charter, and designing a Delivery Plan

Step 3: First Checkpoint

Day 4

All participants should have some artefacts in place. We share these and discuss what we’ve learned. We introduce the key conversations and ceremonies, in particular the four Key Conversations: Iteration Planning, Daily Stand-Ups, Showcases, and Retrospectives

Step 4: Agile Delivery and Interactions

Day 5-9

Each participant introduces the Agile conversations into their execution practice. Supported by the coach they set up and take part in each of the interactions, and we tailor them to your business context.

Each day we use the practices of Agile Delivery to move actual work towards ‘Done.’

Step 5: First Showcase

Day 10

We prepare and deliver our first Showcase, demonstrating what we have learned, and what we have delivered.

We share our first Retrospective, to ensure we apply the lessons we have learned so far.

Step 6: Iteration Planning

Day 11

All participants take part in an Iteration Planning session, making commitments on what is going to be delivered this week.

Step 7: Delivery Iteration 1

Day 11-14

Supported by the coach, participants lead their teams in the conversations and interactions needed to meet their Iteration Commitments. Daily Stand-ups ensure we keep full transparency of progress.

Step 8: Checkpoint Workshop and Showcase

Day 15

A half-day workshop to reinforce the key principles and practices, discuss the journey so far, understand the wins and the struggles, and to define the next steps.

We share our successes and learnings with our stakeholders in our second Showcase.

Step 9: Second Iteration

Day 16-20

We kick off our second iteration, and continue to embed our practices. Supported by the coach, participants will be leading the ceremonies and taking ownership of the artefacts. We focus on getting a significant piece of work to ‘Done.’

Step 10: Graduation

Day 20

After four tough weeks in the Business Agility Bootcamp the participants have built their fitness, learned the key principles, attitudes, behaviours and practices of an Agile Delivery Practitioner. They will have mastered the key tools, and know how to set up and run the key conversations.

We celebrate with our third Showcase, and with a Graduation Event.

Next Step: Coaching Support

Day 21+

Experience shows that a key success factor to Agile adoption is ongoing support. As part of the Bootcamp you get a budget for coaching time to use as you need. You can call at any time and get anything from a quick refresher, through practical point-in-time advice, to a quick morale boost from your coach. Knowing you still have support and haven’t been cast adrift gives your team peace of mind and confidence to keep applying the practises of Business Agility.


Business Agility Bootcamp delivers both core Agile theory and key Agile techniques. By delivering this capability growth inside your business context it causes minimal interruption of your business operations, and gives you immediate application of Agile practices in your organisation.

With a hands-on, embedded approach, participants can contextualise Agile delivery, and adapt their way of working such that it aligns to their actual work.

At the end of the Bootcamp, the participants will have the knowledge and experience to maintain the Agile Way of Working themselves, acting as their own supporters and coaches.

Get Started Now!

Contact me to discuss when we can kick off your Business Agility Bootcamp, unlocking the benefits of Business Agility in your organisation.

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